The garage door is a very important part of your home. It hastwo components: the garage door itself and its opener.
The garage door works on springs. The door moves on thetracks and the spring holds the weight of your garage door. If any part of yourgarage door is not working properly, then you will be in a big problem.
How to Repair Garage door and its parts?
Check the tracks well. The horizontal and vertical trackshould be at the same height. If they are not aligned, tap the garage doortracks carefully. You have to make sure that both of them are in the rightposition.
Clean the tracks with a house cleaner and a brush to removethe dirt and dust. Wipe them and let them dry.
If you find damaged signs, fix them with a rubber mallet ora hammer and a block of scrap wood. If the tracks are beyond repair, you haveto replace it.
The springs are essential for your garage door. If they aredamaged and lose their efficiency, the garage door opener will work hard toraise the garage door. This will also damage the motor.
In this case, you need to replace it. Replacing the broken garagedoor spring is not an easy job. No one can do it because it is very dangerous.Call Garage Katy Repair,and we will satisfy your needs.
Have yourcables worn out over time? In this case, you need a garage door cablereplacement. The professionals only will do this job because it may causeserious injuries if you do it yourself. Call Garage Katy Repair, and we will send ourexperienced technicians to you.
Garage Door Opener
The garage door opener is operated by the motor thatopens or closes the garage door. It is not functioning properly when it isdirty. Clean it with a wet cloth and a cleaning solution.
Do you have a problem and you will not able to open thegarage door? Check the battery in the garage door remote. Batteries last onlyfor a year, then you have to replace it.
The sensor is found on either side of the garage doortracks. This will prevent damages to your belongings and injuries to people. Ifyou have a problem with your sensor, the garage door will not close. The sensormay have dust, so you have to clean it well and to leave it dry.
Rollers and Hinges
Are your rollers and hinges making a loud noise? You haveto start by oiling the hinges. But if these parts are not working, you have toreplace them.